Produit Uranyless Aqueous


Uranyless Aqueous

Uranyless est une solution contrastante substitut à l’acétate d’uranyle. Comme le Préconise Reynolds(1963), il est fortement recommandé de renforcer le premier contraste (dans notre cas Uranyless) par le citrate de plomb en atmosphère saturée en NaOH pour éviter sa contamination par le CO2 atmosphérique.

Afin de faciliter l’utilisation du citrate de plomb lors de vos contrastes, il est conditionné dans des flacons AirLess (sans Air donc sans CO2). Vous pouvez garder longtemps ce flacon de 30 ml sans risque de contamination au CO2, cauchemar de tous les microscopistes.

Le conditionnement en flacons Airless d’une contenance de 30ml  pourra vous contraster plus de 1500 grilles.

Ce conditionnement est doublement efficace, longue durée de conservation et faible quantité de déchets.

Pour l’utilisation de l’Uranyless dans des automates de contraste comme EM Stain de Leica, l’Uranyless est conditionné en flacon de 200 ml .Il faut noter que si l’Uranyless est conditionné en flacon Airless  pour faciliter le dépôt de gouttes seulement, car il ne craint ni l’air ni la lumière. 



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UranyLess is a ready-to-use solution based on a mixture of lanthanides (rare earths).

Currently, UranyLess is only marketed in aqueous form (water).

Its shelf life is unlimited. With a 30ml bottle, you will have about one year of use.

It is advised not to refrigerate this product but rather to keep it at room temperature. It is not sensitive to air or light.

If your tissues rich in lipids such as nervous, adipose tissues, some plant tissues show weak contrast, reduce water washes. Unlike uranyl acetate, which is contrasting and fixing (making it a toxic agent in addition to radioactive), UranyLess is not a fixative and does not bind and is more easily washed away with water during washing (so reduce washing times after contrasting with UranyLess.

Yes, it works with all resins (Epon, Araldite, Spurr…).

No, because it is prepared in water. However, we are currently developing several variants of UranyLess such as ethylic UranyLess and Uranyless-Acetone (the latter being better suited for the use of cryogenic methods).

We market UranyLess in 30ml in an airless bottle as well as in 200ml in a brown bottle.

Its use is very simple, just press the head to release a drop. When you release, the push pump at the bottom of the bottle will rise. This prevents any air from entering the bottle.

UranyLess is sold ready-to-use. There is no need to dilute it.

The pH of UranyLess is 6.8, unlike uranyl acetate, which is at 4.

Simply place your grid on a drop of UranyLess and wait for a minute. Dry, then contrast with lead citrate according to Reynolds’ method. You can access the protocol in the Technical Documents section or by clicking on the following link: The Classic Contrast.

Yes, the double contrast UranyLess – Lead Citrate is used.

Yes. The protocol can be seen on the Negative Staining page.

Yes, UranyLess provides good contrasts.

UranyLess waste should be disposed of in heavy metals (Rare Earths). Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for more information.

Firstly, it is a bottle into which air never enters. Some products, like Lead Citrate, are sensitive to atmospheric CO2. Thanks to this system, these products have a longer shelf life. Moreover, it allows the product to be dispensed drop by drop, quickly, cleanly, and in any position. For more information, please consult our commercial offer.

User Feedback on UranyLess & Various Contrast Issues

“I have dark deposits after using UranyLess and lead citrate (the contrast is dirty)!”

Pay attention to the quality of your washing water. Yes, distilled, but that’s not enough as a precaution. Often you keep your water in the refrigerator (cold enriches the water with CO2). The CO2 contained in your washing water will react with your lead citrate and give a “dirty” contrast: in conclusion, your washing water should be freshly prepared but not stored cold.

“I have little contrast under the microscope!”

Often, the contrast is reduced due to poor adjustment of your equipment.

here our configuration:

TEM microscope: work at 80Kv if you prefer contrast over resolution, work with small objective diaphragms, all recent microscopes have a High contrast or High resolution mode, switch to High contrast mode. Digital camera: Be careful with the settings of your camera, reduce the Gamma, set the number of image acquisitions, balance the black/white tones, stay away from max white (like a hole in your preparation), max black like a piece of a grid or a very dark, dense inclusion. Because the system tends to average the tones (photoelectric cell) and flattens all levels of gray and thereby makes your image dull or too bright.

Compare Them !

AqueousAcetone Ethanol 
Volume 30ml 200ml 100ml 30ml 200ml 
Reference 11000 11000-200 11000C-100 11000E-30 11000E-200 
Expiration12 Months 12 Months12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 
Use Contrast agent for ultrathin sections or negative stainingBlock staining for AFSStaining of dense and lipid-rich tissues
Technique Manual StainingAutomatic staining for EM stain Leica or RMC grids stainerManual StainingManual StainingAutomatic staining for EM stain Leica or RMC grids stainer
ContainerAirless bottle, no contact with airHDPE bottleGlass bottleAirless bottle, no contact with airHDPE bottle


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